Edges Labs Приложения

Battery Saver Widget 2.6.1
Edges Labs
If you want to monitor the battery level andincrease autonomy, this is the right program for you!With Battery Saver Widget (for Android devices 2.0 or higher) youwill not only know the remaining charge, but you can act modifyingsettings that involve high consumption of battery, in an absolutelyautomatic way.With Battery Saver Widget You can decide intervals and thresholdsbelow which turn off Wifi, Bluetooth, GPS, Auto-Sync, decrease thebrightness and other settings. In this way you can extend thebattery life in a simple and automatic way.Battery Saver Widget also provides you useful information on thebattery, such as the status of "Health", temperature, voltage andis also able to calculate an estimate of the duration of thecharge.This power manager gives you a simple way to extend the batterylife!Manual on website
Easy Reminder 1.2.2
Edges Labs
How many times do you not hear thephone?Thanks to Easy Reminder missed calls and unread messages(SMS/MMS)will no longer be a problem!With Easy Reminder You can easily set an alert that will berepeatedperiodically.Notication is highly configurable and you can also decide atimeslot during which You will not be disturbed.The solution for your missed call and unread smsManual on the website.
GD&T Calculator 1.2
Edges Labs
This free app allow you to establish the acceptability of holes andslots on which are applied geometric tolerances with maximum orminimum material modifier (MMC - LMC). Just enter measureddimensional and geometrical feature values to directly obtain theacceptability result: OK or NOK
Cpk Calculator 1.0
Edges Labs
Questa applicazione gratuita Vi permette di calcolare lacapability"Cpk" per features con tolleranze geometriche diposizione a cuisia applicato il modificatore di massimo materiale.E’ sufficienteinserire i valori prescritti a disegno di massimomateriale dellafeature e della tolleranza di posizione,selezionando il tipo difeature (foro o albero) in modo chel’applicazione calcoli lacondizione virtuale della feature.Successivamente, per il campionein esame, si dovranno inserire lecoppie di valori misurati deldiametro e della posizione effettivadella feature: in tempo realel’applicazione calcolerà evisualizzerà il valore della capability”Cpk”. Se aveste il problemadi calcolare l’accettabilità dellefeature con tolleranzegeometriche di posizione in presenza dimodificatori di materiale(MMC-LMC), Vi segnalo la disponibilitàdell’applicazione “GD&TCalculator” realizzata da Edges Labs.